Thursday, June 17, 2010

Roma Italia.. the Great Empire..

It was the third day we were in Italy.. We picked Rome as our last destination for this 3 Days Italia Trip.. What a great day for a great place; a great weather and indeed a great ‘ceria-warna’ story to share with.. (^_^)..

My sisters and I

We reached Roma Termini at 5 after eleven, so we had our breakfast and early lunch (brunch) at McD inside the train station. Then, we have to check in the hotel (Chapuk Mundi), which was located nearby and it's took only 10 minutes walk.

After a little rest and solah; we were so ready to explore Roma Italia and enjoyed the beauty of this place that used to call.. the Great Empire.

Thanks to my brilliant Uda-chan.. a very-well-holiday-planner; who had already booked Rome Open Tour for us. It’s like a ‘Hop on-Hop off’ around Rome. Rome is such a big city, sure we need this tour package if we want to explore all the historical places in a day, rite? te-he (^-^)..

Hence, lets start with the Bus Open tour first stop: Santa Maria Cathedral..

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Florence.. the Birthplace of Italian Renaissance..

This time, it's Fiorenza the Italia.. (^_^)/

We had our breakfast at Moderno Hotel (in Pisa) quite early in the morning.. As after that heavy breakfast, we need to catch the train to Fiorenza. About an hour and a quarter, my sisters and I reached Fiorenza and we walked to the hotel (Uda-chan booked it earlier..)

Hence, it’s still early.. just 5 past 10, so we could only kept our begs there.. as check in can only be done after 1.00 pm.. But it’s okey.. at least we don’t have to walk around Fiorenza with those heavy begs on our shoulders rite (^_^)..

Luckily, our hotel was next to the bazaars.. There are like ‘pasar malam’ or streets-market in here.. with all the streets stalls and kiosks along the walking path.. So, we did some shopping!! (^^,) as well as went to several locations highlighted by Uda-chan..

After a couple of hours, we walked from the bazaars towards Florence Cathedral: Il Duomo Florence or formally known as Santa Maria del Fiore (which means Our Lady of the Flower)..

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pisa.. Mama Mia!

We need to take a bus at Baker St before reaching Stansted Airport.. So we woke up around 5.00am and get ready.. The Bus will leave at 7.30 am and then our flight will took off at 11.30 am.. so we need to be hurry..

From the hectic city of London we took off.. right away to Pisa, Italy. Therefore.. our Trip to Italy has officially begun!.. Italia Saiko!!

After around 4 hours in Ryann Air.. we landed at Pisa Galileo Galilei International Airport. We took a bus to get directly to Moderno Hotel.. Actually Pisa is just a small town. We can simply walked around town and covered the whole city in few hours.. but hey!.. We should save the energy (^^' ).. ..

It was half past 3 when we reached the hotel, so we took our late lunch first, solah and refresh.. Then after 5.00 pm we start to go out.. It was summer.. even it’s already 5.00pm, but it’s like merely 2.00pm.. (^^i).. so lucky as we had extra time to walk around Pisa..

So.. Let’s go to Pisa Torre!!..

Monday, June 14, 2010

Big Ben.. Do You Miss Me?

We went out quite early since there were so many places to cover.. but the traffic and tubes were not as hectic as usual.. Does Monday a new Sunday for them? Ermm.. ( ^_')..

Last two days we were unable to explore many places since the tubes had been closed due to the construction and maintenance.. and for today, the tube has been operated normally to ensure public can used it and go to work at ease.. (^_^).

From Mooregate, we changed tubes and stopped at South-Kensington.. At first we wanted to go to the museum but it was not open yet.. So we walked up to the Royal Albert Hall and hang around Albert Memorial Park..

After 10.00 am we walked down the streets and got back to the museum.. Nana and Fara was so gengki to see the museum.. though, it’s quite okey in there .. The Science Museum is quite awesome .. Last time when I was in London way back in 2007, I'm not manage to go there.. so glad to come back then (^^,).

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lost in London

Need to check-out.. We had only booked rooms in Malaysian Halls for a night. Beside, Uda-chan had already booked another room at Travelodge around Mooregate, so we ought to go there..

Around 10.00 am we stepped out Malaysian Halls.. walked and got around Bayswater to get some souvenir.. There were many souvenir store in Bayswater with a fair range of price.. so we got ourselves some this and that before we left.

Malaysian Halls

Then we moved to Camden Lock Market.. Camden Market is just like Petaling Street in Malaysia (^^,).. or the bazaar area Masjid India (^_^)..

Variety of goods and stuff like in the nite market but the price is quite pricey (^^,).. so we just walked and watched the crowd around..

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Mind the Gap.. Beep! Beepp!!

Our second week trip had begun! so we woke up at 5.00 am for an early start today.. (#_#)v yatta~ excited yet so sleepy..

For week-2, we had planned two main saiko destinations. For the start, we decided to go to London.. and as early as 7.00 am we were already at the train station. Thus, from Aberdeen-Scotland, we took a train and went straight to London-England..

Got Wifi in the train.. (^_^)v.. saiko desu!

London is way down the map.. It took almost 7 hours to get there.. We really had to enjoy a long period of time in the train (^^i).. So, why train? Why not just fly to London?

As said by Uda.. She really like to let us experience and see with our own eyes the splendid scenery along the way from Aberdeen to London.. and the most beautiful view was when the train entered Stonehaven–Dundee-Edinburgh, as the train railway was next to the coast and it passed through beaches and seaside..

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mona Lisa Smile at Musee du Louvre..

We were getting back to Scotland today.. But since our flight was in the evening so we planned to go to Musee Du Louvre; which is one of the largest and most famous museums in France. Inside the museum, they kept the masterpiece of the genius and noble artist; Leonardo Dicaprio da Vinci: the portrait of Mona Lisa.

From the hotel.. we took our early breakfast at the halal restaurant/cafe in front of Paris Metro.. then we took train to reach the museum, as we still had one more tube ticket left..

We arrived at 9.15am.. At first we thought that we should take few photos at the square before we entered.. but the day was raining, so all of us just get ourselves in line with others and entered the museum..

Ticket price was only €9.90 for adult.. so let's have a tour around Musee du Louvre.. Minna hayaku! (^_^)/.

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