Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lost in London

Need to check-out.. We had only booked rooms in Malaysian Halls for a night. Beside, Uda-chan had already booked another room at Travelodge around Mooregate, so we ought to go there..

Around 10.00 am we stepped out Malaysian Halls.. walked and got around Bayswater to get some souvenir.. There were many souvenir store in Bayswater with a fair range of price.. so we got ourselves some this and that before we left.

Malaysian Halls

Then we moved to Camden Lock Market.. Camden Market is just like Petaling Street in Malaysia (^^,).. or the bazaar area Masjid India (^_^)..

Variety of goods and stuff like in the nite market but the price is quite pricey (^^,).. so we just walked and watched the crowd around..

Camden Lock Market

After 12.00 pm we got going to Mooregate. Need to check in the Travelodge, had some lunch and waited for Zohor, before out again and walked around London..

Exactly, our first place was Museum of London, but unfortunately we lost and didn’t find the museum (^^’).. So tired walking up and down the streets.. We should bring our tom-tom rite?.. so it would be easier to navigate and relocated the places (^^!)..

Bank of England

Seriously followed the route.. and still couldn’t make it (^^’)

Then we tried to find British Museum.. it is quite far from the tube station, so we had to walk through and so lucky to find the museum at last.. (^^,). The museum currently had an arts exhibition.. So various people who love arts and artistic work had come and enjoyed it..

Including an artist from Malaysia.. however we’re not really into the artistic things and arts.. cause of that, we’re not really know who he is (^^’).. so sorry Mr. Artist.. Gome nasai~

British Museum

After a couple of hours in British Museum, we ran to Goody St & Gower St, just to find ourselves Pollock’s Toy Museum (^_^).. (London has such a number of museums (^^’)..).. and again we were not so lucky this time..

Pollock’s Toy Museum

We found the museum but we were so frustrated.. It’s just a small shop on the streets (^_^).. How come it can be a toys museum? (^^i).. Might be the uniqueness and the antic value of the shop, ne~.. and it was closed!!.. haha ~Baka des!

Then we ran to Baker St.. really want to find Sherlock Holmes, Beatles Store dan Madame Tussauds.. thus, it wasn’t my lucky day.. and it really was a walk-around-London, sightseeing and pictures snap-ing day (^_^).. Actually we reached at Baker St quarter past 5.. nothing else can be done.. redha jer (^^,)

at Baker Street

Madame Tausaud

Sherlock Holmes Statue

London Beatles Store

Just to make ourselves happy and satisfied with the day schedule, we tube down to Trafalgar Square.. we parked ourselves for few hours there and take a break.. Trafalgar really is a place to hang around and we can see all kind of people at the square.. (^_^).

Ai (‘_^ )…

We did took thousands of pictures ne~ (^_^’)

Then we thought that we might be able to get to Tower Bridge, so we could take the pleasure of the night view at the bridge; but suddenly it got to be cancelled since Circle and District Line were closed for public. The nearest station was Embankment.. but we still have to walked around 30-40 minutes to get there.. (^^!).


So.. cancel the plan to Tower Bridge for that day..

ermm.. (^__^)

It’s time to get back to Mooregate Travelodge.. and get rest!

.. Kairo!.. Minna Kairo!


Oh!.. we found this Laksa Udang at Tesco, on the way back to Mooregate..

Okay then.. ( ^_')
See you in my next post

//Please click the collage pictures for a bigger output (^_^)v..

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