Thursday, June 17, 2010

Roma Italia.. the Great Empire..

It was the third day we were in Italy.. We picked Rome as our last destination for this 3 Days Italia Trip.. What a great day for a great place; a great weather and indeed a great ‘ceria-warna’ story to share with.. (^_^)..

My sisters and I

We reached Roma Termini at 5 after eleven, so we had our breakfast and early lunch (brunch) at McD inside the train station. Then, we have to check in the hotel (Chapuk Mundi), which was located nearby and it's took only 10 minutes walk.

After a little rest and solah; we were so ready to explore Roma Italia and enjoyed the beauty of this place that used to call.. the Great Empire.

Thanks to my brilliant Uda-chan.. a very-well-holiday-planner; who had already booked Rome Open Tour for us. It’s like a ‘Hop on-Hop off’ around Rome. Rome is such a big city, sure we need this tour package if we want to explore all the historical places in a day, rite? te-he (^-^)..

Hence, lets start with the Bus Open tour first stop: Santa Maria Cathedral..


The main focus of the place called Santa Maria is a huge church. The history was written as.. this cathedral had been named after the founder who had no child and for their respect to Maria (also known as Virgin Mary in Catholic believers)..

After a few minutes tour around cathedral, we found few shops and bought some souvenirs here (^_^)..


It was a palace once and was built by Gregory XIII in 1574 as a summer residence. For today, it has been an official residence of Italy's president. Quirinale or also known as Quirinal Palace (Italian: the Palazzo del Quirinale) is located on a hill and it was kinda.. err.. quite difficult to climb (^^’ ).

The hill (Quirinal hill) is the highest of seven hills in Rome and according to the history, this palace was very important (at that time as well as now) in perspective of political aspect and artistic value..

Quirinal Palace

First of all.. There was no Russell Crowe here (^^!).. hehe

As we know, Colluseum was the greatest works of Roman architecture and considered as an engineering wonder. This largest amphitheatre of ancient Roman Empire was built during Flavian dynasty by the Roman Emperor; Vespasian.. and his son Titus, had continued until the end.

The main purpose of Colluseum was to hold a large number of spectators to watch any spectacular events such as gladiatorial contests and public shows like animal hunts, mock sea battles, executions, re-performed of famous battles, dramas and so on..

As in the early medieval era, it had been used for entertainment. It was later reused for such religious purposes and as a fortress until the ruin caused by the earthquake and stone-robbers.. (‘_^ )

Since Colluseum was so synonym with gladiators, we could find lots of Italian people wearing complete set of gladiator armour here, including the swords and shields.. (^_^)v. But beware out there.. (T,T) huhu..

If any of the tourist wanted to take photos with them, they do entertained us very well but then we have to pay and the amount was quite pricey (^^,).. Actually this is how they earned for living but.. still!.. so ‘cekik darah’ (^^,). So.. be sure you had extra money in your pocket if you want to put your picture with a gladiator in a frame (^_^)v.

After all, we enjoyed visiting this greatest piece of art. It is a major landmark of ancient and present Rome; as it is a popular tourist attraction in here as well.


On the bus, heading to Circo Massimo

Circo Massimo (Circus Maximus) was a horse racing arena. It was the first and biggest circus in Rome, and located between the Aventine and Palatine hills. Its circuit was designed particularly suitable for chariot races, while the spectators could watch in there or from the surrounding hillsides.

King Tarquin was the person in charge, who placed this arena at first and then Julius Caesar came, enlarged this circus in order to have 150,000 seats within. Every year in ancient Rome, this Circus Maximus became the place for an important and popular celebration, especially for chariot races..

See all the suite building at the back there. It was the ruin and the left from the ancient.. It is so beautiful to see with our own eyes..


OTW to the Vatican City

We reached there around 6.00pm.. There were so many people queuing to enter this famous city (Tom Hanks was here for the De Vinci Code movie, rite? (^^,)..).. some took pictures and others might just came and enjoyed sigh seeing. .

Vatican City is the smallest city/state in this world. It is also the only country surrounded by a city (Rome).. and it ruled by the Bishop of Rome—the Pope. Within this city; there is an old archive and some said; it is not impossible that most of the ancient records were hiding there.. ermm (‘_^ ).


This castle was once a mausoleum, then it became part of the city wall and later it turned into a fortress; before it functioned as a residence and finally as a station and military prison. But now it is a national museum.

This castle which had been built by the legendary Roman Emperor Hadrian had become one of the main landmarks in Rome.

Oh! ( ^-‘)..
Lucky for us.. at that moment, the Eclipse Promotion tour was held near the castle.. and two of the main characters of the movie were there to meet their fans..

Eclipe Cast @Rome: Bella & Jacob

After meeting the eyes with the handsome_warewolf and that beautiful_swan-Bella; we continued our tour to Fontana di Travi.

In Rome, water is a symbol of wealthy and life. Therefore, there were lots of fountains everywhere. Within the area of Plaza Navona itself, they had three fountains along the road and one of the famous is this Travi.. (^_^)

There were lots-and-lots-and-lots of people at the Travi. Most of them came for the wishing pond near the Travi. Some believed that, if they throw coins in the pond, their wishes will came true.. and usually their wishes were to come back to Rome (^-^)..

It’s getting late.. 8.15pm already. We still wish to have a tour around, but.. Rome Open Tour was only run until 10.00pm. So we decided to have one last tour on the bus.. had a night view and enjoyed our night ride around Rome.. (^^,)

Rome at night was simply amazing.. (^^,)

Oh!.. (‘_^ )
Actually we were craving to have the best pizza in town. They said there is a pizza place in Plazza del Teatro that could served good and yummy pizza.. but huhu (T,T).. it was passed 9.00pm when we reached there.. no shop will open till that late at the area..

Rom at nite

We reached at the last termini around 10.00pm.. Since there was no pizza, so we planned to look for any shop that still open, along the way while we were walking back to the hotel... ~Wished for a ‘mamak stall’.. hehe (^,^)..

“Gimme one more nite, una noche.. A moment to be by your side..”

Tomorrow we will going back to Aberdeen.. We sure will miss all the arts and sculpture here.. all the cute 'abang-abang' Italian gladiators (^^’ ).. the beautiful aroma of herbs on pizza and pasta.. and the sweet scent of chocolate & coffee from the bakery stores too..

Till then.. ciao


  1. you guys have amazing pictures and hope that you enjoyed your trip to Rome. i really enjoyed my trip to Rome. such an amazing city.

  2. Indeed we were.. However Sarah, we had just one day to explore such a big city like Rome.. if only we had more time there..(^_^)


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