Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Eiffel, I'm in Love!

After the castle trail.. We hurried back home as we need to get ready and catch the train to Edinburgh. The train was at 9.00 pm, then we might have to sleep over in the airport.. because our flight to Paris would be at 6.00 am, in the next morning..

We wrapped some food since we had almost 3 hours journey in the train (Aberdeen-Edinburgh) and had to stay at the airport then (^^i).. The weather was so cold; that's why we were easily get hungry.. hehe

Happy-faces yet so sleepy...

We reached Edinburgh airport around 12.45 pm.. and each of us were looking for our own ports. Dang!.. Seriously we have to sleep over here; at first I thought that uda was just kidding (^^').. so we find ourselves an isolate place and make it as our own territory (^^i)

..But we slept soundly (^_^)v.. and around 4.15 am, we wake up and start to get ready and pack our begs. After a light and early breakfast, we got in-line and check in for Ryann Air..

Paris.. here we come.. Yosh-yosh (^_^)/


We landed at Paris Beauvais Tille Airport just about 9.00 am (local time).. Thanx to my brilliant sister, Uda-chan who had charted a porter for us (^_^).. She rent a van for €120 which can transport six of us from airport to the hotel.. if not, we have to find cabs and it was quite difficult to get one there ~ uda-chan, arigato na~

The ride from airport to town (read: hotel The Garden) took almost 2 hours and a half.. If the traffic was clear, we might reached the hotel earlier.. Though, we were unable to check in the hotel yet.. so we walked around the spot and tried to find a halal café or restaurant.

At last we found a sandwich shop.. When we asked for a fish sandwich.. The owner said, they have none "no.. no fish".. But then when we asked for other sandwiches beside chicken or meat.. and he said "Oh! we have thon.. saumon.. blaa blabla"

Ain’t saumon and thon are fish? (^^' ).. So we ordered those salmon and tuna sandwiches.. and that long banquet sandwiches look so delicious.. Yummy! Yummy! Please satisfied our tummy!.. and they were super oishi!!.. sugoi oishi yo!

After the lunch, we still got time.. so we continued walking around and looking for the nearest tube station, so then it would be easier for us to walked around Paris afterward (^_^)..

Around 12.30 pm, we check in and went up to our rooms and got some rest.. since everyone were so all-in.. giler-giler penat, so we had a little nap while waiting for Zohor..

After the catnap and some rest.. we were so ready to go out and play.. let’s took a superb pleasure in Paris.. an awesome evening in Paris..

In here, the best public transport is their tube (the train/LRT); besides buses.. Then they are also provided other alternative like bicycles (^^,).. However we didn’t know how.. Actually we didn’t understand France so we were unable to read the rental procedure, so.. took the tube to be ease..

For the tube tickets (Paris Metro), we could bought it as a single ticket or in a bundle.. and for the bundle, it was cheaper.. Since we were six in the group, so we bought it in bunch.. as for every station/ticket it will be expired right after an hour it had been used..

Erm.. just like in London.. we need to plan our tour and visit in here. Oh! By the way.. tube routes were complicated and a little bit confusing .. or maybe we didn’t do france, rite? (^^' ).. unable to read the signs, and not all of the france people able to converse in English (^^! )..

However, we tried our luck then.. We asked the man behind the ticket counter, and he had an effort to help us.. As for that, always asked for direction if you gone astray.. and believe me, you can even used Bahasa as a medium (^_^)..

So.. our first destination was Arc De Triuomphe.. As in the tube, we asked this very kind lady, and she told us that; it is better for us to stop at Champs-Elysees station, so then we are able to walk along the road and see the Arc start from distant and getting nearer..

The view was totally awesome.. Sugoi! It was so beautiful when we see it from far and walk toward the Arc.. It was so berbaloi! So glad we listened to her.. (^_^).

Arc De Triuomphe

Then we moved to Notre Dame Arashi.. We took back the Paris Metro (tube) then stop at St Micheal station.. But we were not really into picture snapping as we’re so busy getting in and out of shops there (^^,).. and suddenly a Malaysian Chinese guy came and greet us.. "Org Malaysia?" hehe..

Really keened meeting our people abroad rite?.. After a little chat with him and asking which shops had a better (read: cheaper) price (^^i) ..bought some souvenirs too, then we decided to go to Tour Eiffel..

Notre Dame

So next; Tour Eiffel.. We reach there at 6.15 pm.. The plan was to stay until sundown, so we need something to eat (^^’).. then we saw a mobile stall selling halal sandwich and bought a few sets.. Along the way to the Eiffel Tower, there were so many black men selling key-chains, Eiffel replicas, shawl and etc..

However, just be extra cautious because they are quite aggressive.. If once we had asked them and bargain the price, they would chased and urge us to buy the items.. Hence, if you really want to but, it is okay to do so.. and for the info, their price are much more cheaper and we could bargain up to 60%-70%!.. (^^!)

We have to wait until nightfall if we want to see the Eiffel Tower light up and sparkle.. Thus, from 6.00 pm we waited until 10.00 pm (It’s summer). All through we were just laying around, sat on the field facing the Eiffel and taking pictures while enjoyed the precious moment..

Even though it was a weekday.. We could see plenty of people do the same as we did there.. Seems like there were a festival and everyone were patiently waiting for it to be started..

Oh!.. (^.^ )

Thanx to uda-chan, as she had recorded a video during the Eiffel being lighted on

--- Eiffel @nite ---


After seeing Eiffel special lightshow.. we started to go home.. ~hayaku! minna kairo!!

So.. got back to Paris Metro tube, from the Eiffel Tower station we got straight to the station next to our hotel.. and around 11.00 pm, we reached the hotel.. It was totally a time for break and get some rest.. and tomorrow..

What time it is?!!!.. It's Disney time!!!... Yatta

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