Monday, June 7, 2010

Castle Trail in Aberdeenshire

Our itinerary had been planned by Uda-chan since December 2009 (^_^).. and for today we were tracking down old castles as in Scotland they had this adventure-tourist-trip called castle trail.. Thus, I’ve been awake as early as 4.00 am (Wakon Yosai Spirit)..

We have to fry macaroni, make some sandwiches, brews a thermos full of coffee, fried some rice and few others for our picnic during the trip later.. Seem it’s so unfair to make all of this by myself.. so lets wake them up too.. (^_^)

Hence, the breakfast and picnic basket were so ready.. It was the time to get going. At 8.30 am we started our day activities and to make it much more easier; we brought GPS, so no more terkial-kial reading the map and get lost like before (^^i).. (Well.. technology do make it easy for us rite (^^,)..)

---- Castle #1: Drum Castle ----


Drum Castle still stand like the last time I was there.. and the weather was also the same.. Even it was summer but the sun was so shy to come out (^^i).. what to do.. it’s Aberdeen, the weather swung every minutes (^^!)

---- Castle #2: Carthes Castle ----


then we moved to Carthes, however, we were unable to enter and visit the castle as the gate was still close for public.. so.. simply took pictures from the outside and signboard.. (^^i)

---- Castle #3 : Craigeivar Castle ----


as we arrived at the Craigeivar.. we were getting hungry (^^!).. so we took out our picnic basket and have a little brunch there.. Ittadakimasu!!!.. Afterward we had a leisurely walk and paid a visit around this beautiful castle

It's brunch time..

---- Castle #4 : Huntly Castle ----

Erm.. Huntly.. This was new.. During my previous trip, we didn’t have a chance to reach here because of the gone astray (^^,).. Huntly Castle is a little bit different from other castles we had visited.. as it is located in a town, inside a lovely garden.. Seems to me, it has less sense of fairy tale (^^i)..


---- Castle #5 : Duff House ----


---- Castle #6 : Fyvie Castle ----

So.. It’s the sixth castle already!.. and the tension was getting low.. huhu the shoes were all wet.. in deed we were so cold. Plus.. at the moment the day was getting to rain and it was quite windy.. huhu.. So regret for wearing this sneakers.. It spoiled my genki-mood


---- Castle #7 : Tolquhon Castle ----


Seeing as everyone were so tired and wet.. and freezing, therefore Tolquhon Castle was officially be the last castle to be visited for today.

After that we straight away went back home.. since for tonite we have to take a train to Edinburgh; and catch a bus to Waverley Airport then... huhu.. sound so weary rite?.. yet so saiko.. Hontoni saiko desu! (^_^)v.


Err.. even though we planned to get straight home.. but we're happen to stop by this wonderful yellow field.. (^^’ ). At last we found a rape field with an unlock gate. It was so tempting to sneak in and snapped few pictures.. hehe (^_^)v

// Thanx Uda-chan for all the plan and ticket booking.. and the others too! (^_^)/

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