Wednesday, June 9, 2010

It's Disney Time..

As agreed with the porter guy, we waited at the hotel lobby by 9.00 am, then he took us to Disneyland, which was only 45 minutes drive from the hotel.. and here it was the main gate of Disneyland.. Saiko!!

Hohoho.. So excited! Like a little child (^^i)..

Disneyland have been divided into 3 main attractions; Disney Village, Disney Studio and Disneyland Park. As in the village, there are loaded with shopping malls and cinema, so we skipped the village as we came here to play games and enjoy the excitement in the studio/park.

According to the map-guiders, first half-day had lots of activities within the Disney Studio.. and as googled by Fara earlier, it’s better for us to go to the studio first cause we could see the parade then. So.. to the Disney Studio..[MAP]

The well-known-helpful magic broom

As we entered the studio, we headed to the Armageddon Special Effects. While getting into the line and joining the crowd, we enjoyed singing 'I don't wanna miss a thing'. It took a few minutes to get into the studio which had been setup as a screen set of the Armageddon movie..

hehe.. we were just too curious to know how it felt to be a hero who save the world (^^i).

Then we get back to the Playhouse Disney.. At first we thought that Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck were in there but they were not. It’s a stage-play for little children like our nieces; Aneem, Najla and Widaad.. (^^i).. so better to leave, thru the back door.. (^_^)

.. and as we were out of the Playhouse Disney, we saw Stitch and Donald Duck.. So we took the chance and snapped few photos with them (^-^)..

Then my sisters were so eager to try Twilight Zone Tower.. Since I’m afraid of high, so I waited outside while let them go for the ride. Just after 5 minutes passed, I got bored waiting outside alone; hence I started to walk around.. from the Disney Studio 1 to the Art of Disney Animation. Then, there were so many kids swarmed few places.

..and I realized the cause for the flocks.. Disney characters were there for autograph signing and pictures taking.. They were so cute, I want to have pictures with them too.. huhuu.. but so hazukasi te~(^^’ ).. There were Mulan+Mushu; Snow White+Dopey; Goofy; Mary Poppin; Pluto... plus Chips and Dale too (^_^)..

After almost an hour strolled around by myself, we get in a group back. As said by them, the tower was so trill and I miss out the fun for not joining them before.. It’s ok.. I still want my heart to hang on its place.. haha (^^' )

Twilight Zone Tower

So.. we got back to our plan.. to locate as many Disney characters as we can then we could have pictures with them (^_^)v.. but for Sully (Monster Inc.), we have to line up.. and it was so great to hug that blue fur and purple spots Sully. Uda-chan seems not to let him go (^^i).. so warm and friendly..~Kidtty!

Suddently we saw Goofy still entertained numbers of kids at the same spot before.. so we let ourselves in the group and had a picture with goofy.. haha it was so excite to do this taking-pictures-with-disney-characters things (^^i).. ne~?

After that we continued to the Toons Town.. At first we wanted to get a ride on crush coaster but after we saw the turtle spin, we had to call off (^^!). Hayai! It was so fast and we were afraid we would vomit.. Hence, let’s play flying carpet around Agrabah (^^’ ).. much more safer and less risk (^-^)v.. hahaha.

Toons Town

Flying Over Agrabah

We found Mickey!!.. ~suki desu (^_^)

Around 1.00pm, parade had started.. Countless people gathered around the square and parade road. However right after 30 minutes parade ongoing, the day started to rain.. At first it was just tiny drops here and there but then it was getting heavier..

Parade was still on the go, including the singing together and stage play parts.. but we couldn’t stand the rain.. we were so cold and wet, so we moved to Disneyland Park..

A Dream Come True Parade

At the Disney Studio’s exit gate.. the rain was pouring down but we have to get inside the Disneyland Park at once.. Since everyone had their own poncho, so we just walked in the rain.. and captured this cute moment (^^’ )

Okay then.. Let’s get inside the Disneyland Park and be trilled..

Within this park it has 5 main sections; Main Street, USA; Frontierland; Adventureland; Fantasyland and Discoveryland.. Sound so fun rite, but sadly the rain seems not to stop.. Seeing as we got all wet from top to shoes (^_^).. so we decided to take a break in a café around the Main Street for a while..

Actually in this wet-cold mode, we should be riding the train and trailed around park or enjoyed the arcades rite? But at the moment, we were unable to think accurately.. and seriously Disneyland Park is huge.. so regretted we took extra time in the studio before.. huk-huk.. (-_-')

Then.. we tried to walk inside Frontierland.. and we reached Legends of the Wild West. We stop there for a while then continued and just let ourselves be where ever the path leaded. Then we arrived at the area of Robinson Tree in the Adventureland..

Seems like we were lost in the park (^_^).. So better for us to stop and have our lunch at Casey’s Corner while waited for the rain to stop.. Soon after having some fish & chips, we mapped a new plan and we started with Frontierland..


There were nine attractions inside the Frontierland.... From the Wild West gate, we went straight to Rustler Roundup Shooting Gallery- a place to know how skillful you are in rifle/ shotgun shooting; quite boring for us and we moved to Pocahontas Village.. then we had a fast train ride at the Big Thunder Mountain..

Hoho.. Saiko desu!.. Thanx to Fara for forcing me to ride this train.. Even my heart was almost in my hand.. but it was fun!! Really fun.. tanoshii tashikani desu.

After riding the train-Big Thunder Mountain

Next we planned to take a boat tour around lake at Thunder Mesa.. unfortunately it would take lots of our time.. so we just loiter outside the phantom Manor – so afraid to get inside actually (^^!!).. [Frontierland Map]

See no Evil

Hear no Evil

Speak no Evil

Fara-chan, could you please posed like others? hahaha.. You're so out of the tema (^_^).. So next, we step into the Adventureland..


Since we had already covered the Robinson Tree earlier; so we moved to the Indiana Jones area. But this Indi Temple was closed..huhu (T,T) (I really wish to try this one).. Next to the Adventure Isle, and Pirates beach.. and lastly Aladdin village..

Even though we know that Jack Sparrow was in the area of Pirates beach but we were more interested to enter Fantasyland (^^i).. and before we entered the fantasyland.. the second parade had just began. [Adventureland Map]

-- Disney's One Upon A Dream Parade --

.. and for this parade; it was prepared specially for welcoming a new princess into Disney's family- Princess Tania (The Frog & Princess).. It took quite a while and this time it was more happening from the first parade in the studio before..


After the parade, we remain inside the Fantasyland.. linger around Sleeping Beauty Castle, and the area of Le Théâtre du Château.. at that time, the place was quite empty since everyone was outside followed the parade to the main street, USA.

Le Théâtre du Château

Then we went to It’s A Small World.. the most joyful and peaceful musical tour around the world.. (^^i).. Then we tried to crack Alice’s Curious Labyrinth.. almost lost in the labyrinth but then we stepped to the Mad Hat Tea Party.. [Fantasyland Map]

It’s a small world

Alice’s Curious Labyrinth

In front of Le pays des Contes de Fées’s gate

Next we planned to visit Peterpan inside the pirate ship.. but he was not around.. Peterpan and the crews were still in the parade. Hence we just do some shopping inside the castle before we get going to the Discoveryland..

At a Disney’s merchandise booth

The magic beanstalk

erm.. ( ^_')

The Last land.. Discoveryland;


Actually it was quite late.. almost 6.00 pm when we entered this land.. and the park will be closed at seven.. Uda and me were exhausted.. Only Fara and Nana were so genki and wanted to try all games in there.. if only they manage to do so.. (^_^). [Discoveryland Map]


However, we can’t make it.. not even a game there.. Yet we had fast-tickets for Buzz Light Year ride.. huhu.. The time was so limited in this Discoveryland.. beside we had promised Mr.Porter to meet outside the park at 7.00 pm.. so how then? (T_T)..

huhu.. hontoni kanashii (T_T)

Okay then.. It’s time to go home.. A day seems not long enough for us to try all the games inside the parks and cover all the fun inside the Disneyland.. should do a come-back then (^^’ )

//Please click the collage, for a bigger picture (^_^)v

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