Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mona Lisa Smile at Musee du Louvre..

We were getting back to Scotland today.. But since our flight was in the evening so we planned to go to Musee Du Louvre; which is one of the largest and most famous museums in France. Inside the museum, they kept the masterpiece of the genius and noble artist; Leonardo Dicaprio da Vinci: the portrait of Mona Lisa.

From the hotel.. we took our early breakfast at the halal restaurant/cafe in front of Paris Metro.. then we took train to reach the museum, as we still had one more tube ticket left..

We arrived at 9.15am.. At first we thought that we should take few photos at the square before we entered.. but the day was raining, so all of us just get ourselves in line with others and entered the museum..

Ticket price was only €9.90 for adult.. so let's have a tour around Musee du Louvre.. Minna hayaku! (^_^)/. the museum

..our bags have been kept safely here.. (^_^)/Yay!

This museum had been divided into 8 sections: Near Eastern Antiquities; Greek, Strucan and Roman Antiquities; Sculptures; Islamic Arts; Painting; Decorative arts; Eqyption Antiquities and Paints & Drawing.. all of them had been located between 3 wings; Sully, Denon dan Richelieu.

The museum really is huge! ..and we only able to have a tour and see the sculptures sections- which have lots of Micheal Angelo’s sculptures, the ceiling arts/drawing decoration section and various of France famous paintings.. including the portrait of Mona Lisa .. oh!.. and a few of Egyption exhibition too..

..and actually we lost in there (^^' ) .. Hence we only had limited time to spend and there were so many sections closed due to the construction matters.. so there were not so many things we could excited and enjoyed (^_^)..

from the eyes of Mona Lisa

Oh!.. can you see out there.. various of sculptures had been set at each and every windows.. with different designs and figures..

Look at what she’s doing! Haha..

Around 11.00am, we were out of the museum.. We had promised the porter-guy, to take us to the airport at 12.00pm.. so, for the last hour of being there, we could hang around at the square outside Musee du Louvre..

..Really admired that pyramid shape windows.. we can see the museum inside, down there.. If I'm not mistaken.. there were so many movies involving famous-painting-stolen scenes had been taken here, rite? (^_^)..

Okay then.. It’s time to go home.. Need to reach the airport as soon as possible and back to Uda’s house.. Day after tomorrow we want to go down to England.. for our next week trip!

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