Sunday, June 6, 2010

Summer Holiday 2010..

05 June 2010 [Sabtu]
Fara, Nana and I were going to KLIA.. Our flight was at 23.15 pm.. We should transit in Amsterdam first and then flew to Aberdeen (^_^) saiko naa~~.. So.. we reached KLIA around 6.00pm.. After settled all the matters at counter, we get ourselves in and waited inside near the gate.. just to get there early so we won’t miss the flight ne~? (^^,) ~giler bersemangat. (^^’ )

From Kuala Lumpur to Amsterdam, it took more-less 12 hours and 40 minutes.. for transit in Amsterdam around 4 hours, and after that it’s only an hour and 25 minutes to get to Aberdeen. For this time, we fly with KLM.. and we have been spoiled with food.. lots and lots of food (^^,).. imagine this.. we were just awake from nap and they offered us, either hot noodles or refreshing ice creams? ~haha nanja kore.. which one should we choose? (^^!)..

Then around 5.50 am, we reach Amsterdam.. we got refreshed and surveyed around so that we able to locate the gate for our next flight.. While waiting, we did some shopping and pictures taking.. and then we thought that we want to have a visit to the airport museum (Saiko na? this airport has a museum within the building) however it was under construction.. so to fully spend our 4 hours there, we were just wandered around the shops within the gate area..



When it was just about to board, we move to the gate.. as Uda-chan has kept texting us to not do any shopping no more or we might miss our flight then.. huhu.. I could only watch those lovely and adorable perfumes waving at me.. ~minna, gome ne~.. really wish I could have some kind of you as my collection (T_T)..

06 June 2010 [Ahad]
At last.. we land on Aberdeen save and sound.. Uda had been waiting for us at the arriving gate.. hehe.. tashikani!.. Then once we got there, Uda took us to car-boot sale (^^!).. Oh! We met kak khalizah and one of Uda’s junior first, then we went to the car boot sale together.. Saiko! Hontoni suki desu!..

After having some bargain and walked around, we went to uda’s place.. unpack our bags and after a little rest, Uda took us to Wanis’ house. She threw a little gurl eating party and paint the town pink for our coming to this grey-town.. Hehe terharu des..

//Oklah.. that’s it for the intro of summer vacation 2010.. will be write back tomorrow.. Jya!

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