Saturday, June 12, 2010

Mind the Gap.. Beep! Beepp!!

Our second week trip had begun! so we woke up at 5.00 am for an early start today.. (#_#)v yatta~ excited yet so sleepy..

For week-2, we had planned two main saiko destinations. For the start, we decided to go to London.. and as early as 7.00 am we were already at the train station. Thus, from Aberdeen-Scotland, we took a train and went straight to London-England..

Got Wifi in the train.. (^_^)v.. saiko desu!

London is way down the map.. It took almost 7 hours to get there.. We really had to enjoy a long period of time in the train (^^i).. So, why train? Why not just fly to London?

As said by Uda.. She really like to let us experience and see with our own eyes the splendid scenery along the way from Aberdeen to London.. and the most beautiful view was when the train entered Stonehaven–Dundee-Edinburgh, as the train railway was next to the coast and it passed through beaches and seaside..


But we were unable to capture all of them.. the train was quite fast and we were not professional photographers (^^i).. aaa gome-gome. Then after we entered England, start from New Castle.. Durham.. we were unconscious (^^’).. As we wook up we already in London; and the time was 3.15pm.

From King's Cross we bought 4 tube tickets to get ourselves to Bayswater.. We need to check in at Malaysian Halls which was located in Bayswater.. so then we could kept out heavy begs there (^_^)..

In Bayswater, we can see lots of Malaysian there.. Seems like we were in our hometown (^^,).. and along the way from the tube station to Malaysian Halls, there were so many Halal (food) shops, cafes and restaurants including Subways.. (^_^).. Oh!.. there ‘re various souvenir shops too..

After lunch, solah and got some rest.. we decided to get ourselves out for a while.. We had the all-day-tickets, it should not been wasted.. But only the three of us, Uda was so tired and collapse already (^^,)..

At first, we planned to see Marble Arch and walked along Oxford Streets.. (Bond St-Oxford Circus) but the day was already 7.00 pm.. ('_^ ) No used to walk down the Oxford St cause all the shops were closed by that time (^^’)..

Marble Arch..

In the end.. we just hang out and watched doves at Marble Arch.. later then we walked and did a little shopping around Marble Arch and Bond St..

From Bond St, we got back to Bayswater.. just to ensure that we won’t be late.. Besides, it almost dark and all shops were getting closed (^_^)..

Fara and Nana

So we took Central line and got straight to Notting Hill Gate, and changed to District Line then.. At that moment Circle Line was under construction. It would be closed for the whole weekend. Hence it might be somehow difficult for us to go out and see the sights of London tomorrow..

.. Just hit on the bed.. we reached our room safely.. Got to get a total rest.. so tomorrow would be much more.. fresh and genki!

See ya!

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