Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pisa.. Mama Mia!

We need to take a bus at Baker St before reaching Stansted Airport.. So we woke up around 5.00am and get ready.. The Easy.com Bus will leave at 7.30 am and then our flight will took off at 11.30 am.. so we need to be hurry..

From the hectic city of London we took off.. right away to Pisa, Italy. Therefore.. our Trip to Italy has officially begun!.. Italia Saiko!!

After around 4 hours in Ryann Air.. we landed at Pisa Galileo Galilei International Airport. We took a bus to get directly to Moderno Hotel.. Actually Pisa is just a small town. We can simply walked around town and covered the whole city in few hours.. but hey!.. We should save the energy (^^' ).. ..

It was half past 3 when we reached the hotel, so we took our late lunch first, solah and refresh.. Then after 5.00 pm we start to go out.. It was summer.. even it’s already 5.00pm, but it’s like merely 2.00pm.. (^^i).. so lucky as we had extra time to walk around Pisa..

So.. Let’s go to Pisa Torre!!..

From our hotel to Pisa tower might took only 25 minutes walking distance.. Since it’s already 5.00 pm, so we took a bus to go there.. (^^i)..

let’s get inside!

Leaning Tower of Pisa (Torre pendente di Pisa) is a bell tower for a church of this town. It is located behind the cathedral in Pisa's Cathedral Square (Piazza del Duomo) and it is the third oldest structure there, after the Cathedral and the Baptistry.

At first it’s just a normal and free standing tower.. but after the year of 1173, this tower began to sink and lean towards southeast.. They said it happened because of the condition of the foil which is not suitable and unstable for tall and high structure..

More info: The high of the tower is 55.86m from the ground to the low side and 56.70m for the other side. The base width of the tower is 4.09m while the top is 2.48 m. It has 296 steps and some said; each day.. this tower is leaning to the ground.

It’s a normal view here.. almost everyone who came, will take pictures like that (^^' ).. Tourist will definitely posed like pretending they were holding up the leaning tower and preventing it from falling (^o^).. in fact it’s a must! haha (^^').. we did it too.. it’s kinda fun rite? (^^!)

The weather was not cool enuff today!.. It changed every second..


Just after we enter the square, there was a pretty pan-Asian lady came and hugged Uda-chan in sudden. Then she looked so happy talking to Uda and introduced her other friends. At first we thought that she was Uda-chan’s course-mate.. but she’s not.. Uda not even know her.. (^o^)

Haha.. so kawai.. truly she’s a muslim, who worked in US.. She said she just get too excited if she met other muslim.. that’s why she greeted uda at the first place.. hehe so comel.. sugoi ne~..

When we reached the main entrance before, we already saw there were lots of stalls and booths outside the square.. but we prefer to get inside and find ourselves the leaning tower first.. So then we continue to walk along the streets and stop at each and every booths outside..

Hence, if you want to buy some souvenirs, better to buy it from the stalls outside the square. The quality is equal and the price is much more cheaper.. (^_^)v.

Souvenir booths

Homemade pasta.. various colour of pasta

Italian sweets

It’s tasty but too sweets, I just can’t bare it.. huhu.. How they able to eat that? They sure had sweet tooth huh? (^^i).. btw it cost €3.00 per cup.. as said by the candy-lady, this is one of Italian favourite desert/sweets..

After that, we kept on walking.. Actually for me, the best way to see places is by walking.. or cycling.. since we able to enjoy the view and scenery way much better than by car.. ne~ (^-^).. (plus) if the places are a small town like Pisa then.. (^^' )

Oh!.. So lucky to have Uda-chan as our tourist guide (^_^).. She took us to try the best gelato (ice cream) in Italy.. as she said, this La Bottega Del Gelato (famous ice cream shop here) got the best homemade ice cream.. hohoho (^.^)..

The best homemade ice-cream you'll ever find. They were so creamy-yummy-really make your mouth watery.. and we still craving for that tempting gelato.. (^_^).

Try Pistacchio di Bronte.. love the taste and nutty fragrance of pistachio melted in my mouth.. huhu Oishi!.. Oh! Some of the choices may contain alcohol and/or gelatine.. just asked them which one has none in it.. they were fine to let you know (^_^)v.

It’s already 8.00pm.. so we have to move and get going..

bought some cherries..

Besides, by walking.. it would be easier for us to stop by at each and every shops along the streets (^_^).. While we need to find a feet tall Pisa Tower replica, to set it with the Eiffel Tower model we bought for mom last week.. (^-^)v

Ah! We bumped into a Malaysian guy too.. So keen for this to happen rite?.. Even though we never met before.. Actually it's kind of kimochi-ness ne~.. Feels like home.. when heard someone else converse in Bahasa.. in foreign country (^_^).

At the entrance of Pisa train St.

At last!.. We back to the hotel save and sound. Actually it’s only took 25 minutes to get back to the hotel, but there were too many pit stops (^^i).. and it drags the time up to an hour and a half then (^^!!)..

//Please click the collage pictures for a bigger output (^_^)v..

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